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Lymphoid Neoplasms

Putty-like molding to undisplaced tissues so little Va or EOM   loss; usually no bone erosion or infiltration unless high-grade   lymphoma
All pts w/orbital lymphoid lesions need exam for systemic   lymphoma (by oncologist) w/orb/abd/chest CT; CBC; check   LN; bone marrow bx; CXR; bone/liver/spleen scan  
Cytological factors are more prognostic than mono/   polyclonal; but most benign lesions (reactive hyperplasia) are   mostly T cells w/polyclonal Bs; malignant lymphoma usually   more monoclonal B cells
Open bx for pathology to give fresh tissue for touch preps;   immunohistochemistry; flow cytometry; and gene   rearrangement studies; in formalin for micro, glutaraldehyde   for EM
Benign reactive hyperplasia: up to 25% eventually develop   systemic lymphoma
Atypical lymphoid hyperplasia: up to 40% get systemic   involvement within 5 years