CASE #25


External Eye Examination   EXTERNAL VIEW OD
  No lid edema OU
Visual Acuity  OD: 20/400
 OS: 20/20
 • No improvement to pinhole OU
Extraocular Motility  Full (pupils were previously dilated by ophthalmologist)
Pupil Examination  Pupils were dilated by non-affiliated ophthalmologist
Intraocular pressure with applanation tonometry  OU: 20 mm Hg
Confrontation Visual Fields  Full to finger counting OU
Slit Lamp Examination

• Normal eyelids, lacrimal glands, and lashes
 • Trace temporal conjunctival hyperemia
 • Clear and smooth cornea
 • 1-2+ cell and flare in the anterior chamber
 • Trace pigment on anterior capsule
 • Clear lens
 • 2-3+ vitreous cells
 • Presence of a nematode, measuring approximately 0.5 x 4  mm, in the anterior vitreous cavity


Fundus Examination

 • 2-3+ vitritis was noted
 • An intraocular parasite with columnated blood, reddish,  approximately 0.5 x 4 mm in size, was noted floating in the  anterior vitreous.
 • The optic nerve was pink and sharp with a cup-to-disc ratio
 of 0.2.
 • Presence of a 1.5 DD area of preretinal/retinal fibrosis  involving the maculo-papillary bundle. Retinal striae are visible  due to vitreous traction in this area.
  • An area of chorio-retinal atrophy measuring about 3/4 DD  was noted temporally along the superior arcade.

 • Clear vitreous
 • The disc was pink and sharp with a cup-to-disc ratio of 0.2.
 • Normal fundus


Results of lab workup
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