The Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Science    


Dr. Katherine Hare
  COLLEGE: BS in Bacteriology; University of Wisconsin-
  Madison, Wis (2002)
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
    Newark, NJ (2007)
  INTERNSHIP: Loyola University Medical Center, Ill (2007-2008)
  RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
    Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2008)
Katherine Ann      
Hare, MD      
Dr. Vinnie Shah
  COLLEGE: BA in Neuroscience and Behavior; Barnard
    College, Columbia University (2003)
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; Weill Medical College of Cornell
    University, New York, NY (2007)
  INTERNSHIP: Preliminary Medicine, Lenox Hill Hospital,
    New York, NY (2007-2008)
  RESIDENCY: Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute,

Vinnie Pooja Shah,

    Cleveland, Ohio (2008)
MD     UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
    Ophthalmology Residency, Newark, NJ
      (October 2008)

 1. Kim JW, Kathpalia V, Dunkel I, Wong RK, Riedel E, Abramson DH. Orbital recurrence of  retinoblastoma   following enucleation [published online ahead of print Aug 29,2008]. Br J  Ophthalmol.  doi:10.1136/bjo.2008.138453.

 2. Yoon AC, Kathpalia V, D’Silva S, Cimenser A, Hua SY. Determining Ca 2+-sensor binding time  and its variability  in evoked neurotransmitter release [published online ahead of print Dec 6, 2008]. J  Physiol. 586(4):1005-15.

 3. Kathpalia VP , Mussak EN, Chow SC, Lam PH, Skelley N, Time M, Markelewicz RJ, Kanduc  D, Lomas L, Xiang Z,  Sinha AA. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling in human squamous cell  carcinoma of the skin identifies unique  tumor associated signatures. J Dermatol. 2006;33(5):309-18.


 1. Kathpalia V, Lloyd H, Dababneh H, Rondeau M, Raevski T, Coleman D, Silverman R.  Enhancement of high   frequency ultrasound imaging of the uvea using intravenous contrast agents. The  Association for Research in   Vision and Ophthalmology, 2007 May; Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

 2. Mussak E, Kathpalia V, Chow S, Lam P, Skelley N, Xiang J, Sinha, AA. Transcriptional profiling  in human  epidermal squamous cell carcinoma outlines tumor-specific gene expression signatures. The  European Cancer  Conference – Federation of European Cancer Societies Annual Meeting, 2005  Nov; Paris, France.

 3. Kathpalia V, Mussak E, Chow S, Lam P, Skelley N, Xiang J, Sinha AA. Microarray-based  transcriptional profiling  in human squamous cell carcinoma of the skin delineates tumor-associated  gene expression signatures. The  Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting, 2005 May  2005; St. Louis, Mo.

 4. Kathpalia VP , Mussak EN, Chow SC, Lam PH, Skelley N, Carucci JA, Xiang Z, Sinha AA.  Genome-wide  transcriptional profiling in human squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Annual Student  Research Day,  Weill- Cornell Medical College, 2004 Dec; New York, NY.

 5. Mussak EN, Kathpalia VP, Chow SC, Lam PH, Skelley N, Carucci JA, Xiang Z, Sinha AA.  Analysis of  differentially expressed genes in the pathogenesis of basal cell carcinoma. Annual Student  Research Day,  Weill- Cornell Medical College, 2004 Dec; New York, NY.

 6. Kathpalia V, D’Silva S, Yoon C, Hua S.-Y. The dependence of synaptic delay on calcium influx  in crayfish  neuromuscular junctions. The Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2003 Nov; New  Orleans, La.

 7. Duffy HS, Hertzberg EL, Delmar M, Taffet SM, Iacobas A, Kathpalia V, Spray DC. Binding site  mapping of  connexin43 using specific antibodies and surface plasmon resonance. In: Molecular  Biology of the Cell from the  American Society for Cell Biology, 2001 Dec; Washington, DC. 12:77a.

Dr. Albert Khouri
  COLLEGE: BS in Biology; American University of Beirut,
    Lebanon (1985-1988)
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; American University of Beirut,
    Lebanon (1988-1992)
  INTERNSHIP: Internal Medicine; Saint Peter's University
    Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ (2007-2008)
  RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School

Albert S. Khouri, MD

  Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2008)
 1. Khouri AS, Fechtner RD. Primary open angle glaucoma. In: Shaarawy T, Sherwood M, Hitchings  R, Crowston J,  editors. Glaucoma. 1st ed. Elsevier. Forthcoming. 2. Fechtner RD, Khouri AS.  Mechanisms and mechanics of  incisional surgery for glaucoma. In: Shields B, Barnstable C, Tombran-   Tink J, editors. Glaucoma: mechanisms and  management. Humana Press. Forthcoming.

 3. Khouri AS, Fechtner RD, Fingeret M. The Heidelberg retina tomograph. In: Tasman W, Jaeger  EA, editors.  Foundations of clinical ophthalmology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Forthcoming.

 4. Khouri AS, Realini T, Fechtner RD. Fixed combinations of topical glaucoma medications. In:  Netland PA, Allen  RC, editors. Glaucoma medical therapy: principles and management. San  Francisco: American Academy of  Ophthalmology. Forthcoming.

 5. Khouri AS, Lama PJ, Fechtner RD. Beta blockers. In: Netland PA, Allen RC, editors. Glaucoma  medical therapy:  principles and management. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology.  Forthcoming.

 6. Khouri AS, Fechtner RD. Fixed combination timolol-dorzolamide in the treatment of ocular  hypertension and  glaucoma. Expert Rev Ophthalmol 2007;2(5): 711-7.

 7. Khouri AS, Realini TR, Fechtner RD. The use of fixed dose combination drugs for the treatment of  glaucoma  [review article]. Drugs & Aging 2007;24(12):1007-16.

 8. Khouri AS, Szirth BC, Salti HI, Fechtner RD. DICOM transmission of simultaneous stereoscopic  images of the  optic nerve in patients with glaucoma. J Telemed Telecare 2007;13(7):337-40.

 9. Khouri AS, Fechtner RD, Shahid K, Szirth BC. Optic nerve analysis in glaucoma suspects during  remote   teleocular screening. Telemed e-Health 2007;13(2):233.

 10. Fechtner RD, Khouri AS. Evolving global risk assessment of ocular hypertension to glaucoma.  Curr Opinion  Ophthalmol 2007;18(2):104-9.

 11. Khouri AS, Szirth BC, Bhagat N, Fechtner RD. Screening and diabetes mellitus [letter] [author  reply appears in  Ophthalmology 2007;114(2):399-400]. Ophthalmology 2007;114(2):398-9.

 12. Khouri AS, Szirth BC, Realini T, Fechtner RD. Comparison of digital and film stereo  photography of the optic  nerve in the evaluation of patients with glaucoma. Telemed J e-Health  2006;12(6):632-8.

 13. Osei-Tutu L, Grant G, Turbin R, Szirth B, Khouri A, Xiong M, Bennett H, Tannen B, Tutela A,  Fechtner R, Heary  R. Effect of head elevation on intraocular pressure and retinal imaging in the prone  position. J Neurosurg  Anesthesiol 2006;18(4):278.

 14. Fechtner RD, Khouri AS, Figueroa E, Ramirez M, Federico M, Dewey SL, Brodie JD.  Vigabatrin short-term  treatment for cocaine and/or methamphetamine abuse: ocular safety pilot results.  Arch Ophthalmol  2006;124(9):1257-62.

 15. Khouri AS, Forofonova TI, Fechtner RD. Laser suture lysis through thick blebs using the  Blumenthal lens.  Arch Ophthalmol 2006;124(4):544-5.

 16. Khouri AS, Newman FR, Fechtner RD. Ultrasound biomicroscopy demonstrating etiology of a  spontaneous  filtering bleb. [published online ahead of print Feb 24, 2006]. Eye 2006;20(12):1441-2.

 17. Szirth BC, Shahid, K, Zarbin MA, Khouri AS, Bhagat N. Digital retinal imaging for vision-  threatening  diseases—an integrated approach to diagnostic screening with a non-mydriatic camera.  Future Dir Imaging  2006;53-5.

 18. Szirth B, Shahid K, Khouri AS, Patel N, Horan C, Giliberti F, Kaiser R, Bhagat N. La  telemedicina puede ayudar a  identificar enfermedades que amenazan la visión. Ocul Surg News Latin  America Edition 2006;8(1):44-5.

 19. Khouri AS, Fechtner RD. Glaucoma Surgery [book review]. J Glaucoma 2005;14(4)328.

 20. Khouri AS, Szirth BC, Fechtner RD. Detecting age-related macular degeneration: technologies  are best  compared when standardized [letter]. Arch Ophthalmol 2005;123:1157-8.

 21. Szirth B, Fechtner RD, Khouri AS, Malpica B, Forofonova T, Zarbin MA. Simultaneous stereo  retinal imaging in  glaucoma: color 35-mm film vs 6.1 megapixel digital imaging. Telemed e-Health  2005;11(2):262.

 22. Szirth BC, Shahid K, Khouri AS, Patel N, Horan C, Giliberti F, Kaiser R, Bhagat N. Tele-  screening can help  identify vision-threatening diseases. Ocular Surg News 2005;23(18):86-8.

 23. Khouri AS. Excessive blinking in children [letter]. Ophthalmology 2003; 110(5):878.

 24. Khouri AS. LASIK and glaucoma. Saudi J Ophthalmol 2003;17(1):107.


 1. Khouri AS, Fechtner RD, Shahid K, Szirth BC. Optic nerve analysis in glaucoma suspects during  remote  teleocular screening [poster]. American Telemedicine Association Annual Meeting; 2007  May; Nashville, Tenn.

 2. Khouri AS, Szirth BC, Shahid KS, Fechtner RD. Software assisted optic nerve assessment for  glaucoma  screening [poster]. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology; 2007 May; Fort  Lauderdale, Fla.
 e-abstract 2767.

 3. Is there an Heidelberg Retina Tomograph ISNT rule? Resident-Alumni Research Day, University of  Medicine and  Dentistry of New Jersey; 2007 Feb; Newark, NJ.

 4. Digital stereoscopic imaging in glaucoma. Grand Round Presentation, West Virginia University Eye  Institute;  2006 Aug.

 5. Non-mydriatic simultaneous stereo imaging of the optic nerve in glaucoma patients [poster].  Association for  Research in Vision and Ophthalmology; 2006 May; Fort Lauderdale, Fla. e-abstract  #B888.

 6. DICOM transmission of glaucomatous optic nerve simultaneous stereo images [poster]. Association  for  Research in Vision and Ophthalmology; 2006 May; Fort Lauderdale, Fla. e-abstract #B890.

 7. Non-mydriatic simultaneous digital stereo imaging in glaucoma. 11th Annual Meeting of the  American  Telemedicine Association; 2006 May; San Diego, Calif.

 8. Simultaneous digital stereo retinal imaging in patients with glaucoma using the Nidek 3 Dx and 3 Dx  nm. Nidek  AAO Speakers Forum; 2005 Oct; Chicago, Ill.

 9. Digital images correlate well with film for simultaneous stereo-photography of the optic nerve in  glaucoma  [poster]. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology; 2005 May; Fort  Lauderdale, Fla.

 10. Needling of the failing glaucoma filter. Glaucoma Symposium at the Pan Arab African Council of  Ophthalmology  Congress; 2003 May; Tunisia.

 11. LASIK and glaucoma: evidence-based review. Saudi Ophthalmology Society Annual Meeting;  2003 Mar;  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

 12. New grading system for glaucoma bleb appearance and function. Second International Congress  on Glaucoma  Surgery; 2003 Feb; Luxor, Egypt.

Dr. Michelle Pham
  COLLEGE: BA in Biology; University of Pennsylvania,
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical
    School (2003-2007)
  INTERNSHIP: Internal Medicine; Atlantic Health Care
    Systems, (2007-2008)
  RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School

Michelle Mai Pham,

  Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2008)

 1. Pham MM, Graham R. Bilateral brain masses as the sole metastases of thyroid papillary  carcinoma: a clinical  vignette. Atlantic Health Research Conference; 2008 June; Morristown, NJ.

 2. Pham MM, Bhagat N. Clinical and structural outcomes of patients with NLP vision. ARVO  Conference, 2007  May; Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Dr. Irene Cherfas Tsyvine
  COLLEGE: BA in Psychology and Biology; Washington
    University in Saint Louis, Miss (1999-2003)
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; Boston University School of Medicine,
    Mass (2003-2007)
  INTERNSHIP: Internal Medicine; Lahey Clinic Medical
    Center, Burlington, Mass (2007-2008)
  RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School

Irene Cherfas

    Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2008)
Tsyvine , MD      
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