The Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Science    


Dr. Amit Bhatt
  COLLEGE: BS Biology; Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
  TN (1999-2001)
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; University of Louisville School of Medicine,
    Louisville, KY (2002-2006)

PGY-1 Emergency Medicine; New York

    Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, NY (2006-2007)
  RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
Amit R. Bhatt, MD     Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2007)
Dr. Matthew Dombrow
  COLLEGE: BS; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (1997-2001)
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
    Bronx, NY (2002-2006)
  INTERNSHIP: Internal Medicine; University of Medicine and
    Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ (2006-2007)
  RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
  Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2007)
Matthew Dombrow,      
 1. Dombrow M, Engel H. Rates of strabismus surgery in the United States: implications for   manpower needs in  pediatric ophthalmology. J Am Assoc Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus.   Forthcoming.
Dr. Samih Elchaha
  COLLEGE: BA; Creighton University, Omaha, NE
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; University of Florida College of Medicine,
    Gainesville, FL
  INTERNSHIP: PGY-1 Transitional Internship; Pennsylvania
    Presbyterian Medical Center, Philadelpha, PA
Samih Elchahal, MD   RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
    Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2007)

 1. Elchahal S. Psychological analysis of Shine’s David Helfgott. J Psychol Inquiry 2002;7(1-2).


 1. Elchahal S. Acquired trochlear nerve palsies. Grand Rounds presentation. Department of  Ophthalmology,  University of Florida College of Medicine; 2005; Gainesville, FL.

 1. Elchahal S. Attachment style and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. 22nd Annual Great Plains  Psychology  Convention; 2002; Emporia, KS.

Dr. Keegan Johnson
  COLLEGE: BA; Vassar College; Poughkeepsie, NY (1996-2000)
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; University of Pennsylvania School of
    Medicine, Philadelphia, PA (2002-2006)
  INTERNSHIP: Transitional Program; Pennsylvania Presbyterian
    Medical Center, Philadelpha, PA (2006-2007)
  RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
  Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2007)
Keegan S. Johnson,      

 1. Johnson KS, Mills MD, Karp KA, Grunwald JE. Quantitative analysis of retinal vessel diameter   reduction after   photocoagulation treatment for retinopathy of prematurity. Am J Ophthalmol   2007;143(6):1030-2.

  2. Johnson KS, Mills MD, Karp KA, Grunwald JE. Semiautomated analysis of retinal vessel   diameter in   retinopathy of prematurity patients with and without plus disease. Am J Ophthalmol   2007;143(4):723-5.


  1. Sprinkle (Johnson) KS, Mills MD, Karp KA, Grunwald JE. Quantitative analysis of retinal vessel   diameter from   digital fundus images of patients with retinopathy of prematurity [poster]. Association   for Research in Vision and   Ophthalmology; 2006 May; Fort Lauderdale, FL.

  2. Mills MD, Karp KA, Sprinkle (Johnson) KS, Quinn GE. Screening for plus disease in   retinopathy of   prematurity using the Nidek NM200D camera [poster]. American Association of   Pediatric Ophthalmology and   Strabismus; 2006 Mar; Keystone, CO.

  COLLEGE: BS; Boston University, Boston, MA (1995-1999)
  MEDICAL SCHOOL: MD; UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson
    Medical School; Piscataway, NJ (2001-2006)
  INTERNSHIP: PGY1-Transitional Medicine; Atlantic Health
    System, Morristown, NJ (2006-2007)
  RESIDENCY: UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
    Ophthalmology Residency; Newark, NJ (July 2007)
Hyunjin Jane Kim,      

  1. Kim HJ, Shields CL, Eagle RC, Shields JS. Fibrous histiocytoma of the conjunctiva. Am J Ophthalmol

  2. Goydos JS, Mann B, Kim HJ, Gabriel EM, Alsina J, Germino FJ, Shih W, Gorski DH. The  detection of B-RAF and   N- RAS mutations in human melanoma. J Am Coll Surg 2005;


  1. Kim HJ, Weng Z, DeLisiC. Bioinformatic analysis of the evolutionary and structural properties of
  small acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP): DNA-protective proteins of gram-positive bacteria. Boston  University   Engineering Annual Senior Project Presentation; 1999; Boston, MA.

  2. Kim HJ, Gorski DH, Goydos JS. Quantifying cells that harbor the Q61R N- RAS mutation in  human melanoma   samples. The Annual Melanoma Research Congress; 2004; Phoenix, AZ.

  3. Kim HJ, Patel S, Gorski DH, Germino FJ, Goydos JS. The detection of mutations in the EGFR  underlying   responsiveness of non–small-cell lung cancer to gefitinib. The Annual Retreat on Cancer  Research; 2005;   Princeton, NJ.

  4. Kim HJ, Mashayekhi A, Shields CL, Shields JS. Genetic aspects of uveal melanoma. Tumor  Conference, Wills   Eye Hospital; 2005; Philadelphia, PA.

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