Pharmacology, Physiology and Neuroscience

12/2017 - Congratulations to Archana for successfully defending her thesis.


09/2017 - Study from our lab (Eric et al, Stem Cell Reports) featured in Science daily.


12/2016: Congratulations to Viji on award of a 1 year Pilot grant from Rutgers Brain Health Institute for a collaborative proposal with Namas Chandra (NJIT) to study Epilepsy after blast brain injury and continued FY2 funding from Rutgers Brain Health Institute for a collaborative proposal with Tracy Tran (RU-N) to study Interneuron circuit plasticity in Autism Epilepsy Co-morbidity.


12/2016: Congratulations to Milad on award 2016 Grass Young Investigator Travel Award by the American Epilepsy Society.


11/2016: Congratulations to Archana for her poster being invited for a NanoSymposium Presentation at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.


09/2016: Congratulations to lab on award of a 3 year NJCBIR Research Grant CBIR16IRG017 ( to study Neurogenesis after traumatic brain injury.


08/2016: Ghazal Rashidi joined the lab as Research assistant. Welcome aboard Ghazal!


08/2016: Congratulations to Akshata and Eric on joining the lab as post-doctoral fellows.


06/2016: Congratulations to Viji who has been awarded an NIH R01 (2016-2021) award to study neuro-immune interactions in brain injury


Congratulations to our very own Eric and Akshata for successfully defending their theses!


Congratulations to Jenieve for being awarded the GSBS-Masters of Biomedical Science Outstanding Achievement Award for 2016.


Congratulations to Jenieve and Alex (Master's Student) on their acceptances to New Jersey Medical School Class of 2020!


Congratulations to Akshata on receiving 3 year NJCBIR Fellowship!


Congratulations to Archana on receiving the 2015 Dean Morris Schaffer Award!