CASE #11

INITIAL MANAGEMENT OF PENETRATING EYE INJURIES: Ocular trauma is an important cause of visual loss and monocular blindness in the United States (1). A penetrating eye injury involves an entrance break in the eye wall, either by a sharp object or a missile-type injury (2). There are multiple considerations and concerns for patients with this particular type of eye trauma. First, there is a variable amount of initial mechanical damage caused by the injury. Sometimes this damage is so severe that the eye cannot be salvaged (1). Care must be taken during examination to avoid causing further damage to the eye and adnexa. If possible, emergency room personnel should be instructed to keep an eye shield in place at all times. Second, vision can be lost because of secondary complications, such as endophthalmitis, tractional retinal detachment, intraocular fibrocellular proliferation with cyclitic membrane formation, and toxicity from retained intraocular foreign body material (1).

CLINICAL TESTS: Retained intraocular foreign bodies must be suspected in all instances of penetrating wounds of the eye. Computed tomography of the orbit is indicated to locate any possible foreign body. In addition, any removed foreign body and extruded intraocular contents should be sent for culture intraoperatively. These culture results may prove helpful if a postoperative infection develops.

PROGNOSIS: Prognosis after a penetrating eye injury is related to several factors, including preoperative visual acuity, presence of an afferent pupillary defect, location and extent of the laceration, and the mechanism of injury (2,3). The mechanism in a nail gun injury has both missile and sharp object components (2). Eyes with the poorest prognosis most often have posterior segment involvement from lacerations extending posterior to the rectus muscle insertions with combined laceration of the ciliary body and retina (3).

Entry site

THIS CASE: This patient was fortunate with respect to the location of his injury. The nail penetrated the sclera 3 mm posterior to the limbus. A more anterior entry site could have damaged the ciliary body, lens, or cornea while a more posterior wound would have caused direct damage to the retina.

CONCLUSION: In all cases, penetrating eye injuries are a true ocular emergency. Prompt examination and institution of medical and surgical therapy can prevent serious ocular sequelae and permanent loss of vision. As physicians, we can also play an important role by counseling patients about protective eyewear, especially if they have high risk occupations or recreational activities.




1. DeBustros S, Michels RG, Glaser BM. Evolving concepts in the management of posterior segment penetrating ocular injuries. Retina 1990;10: S72-75.

2. Bailey L, Sternberg P. Ocular nail gun injuries. Ophthalmology 1996;103: 1453-1457.

3. Spalding SC, Sternberg P. Controversies in the management of posterior segment ocular traume. Retina 1990; 10: S76-81.


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