CASE #12


1. Han DP, Wisniewski SR, Wilson LA, et al. Spectrum and susceptibilities of microbiologic isolates in the Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study. Am J Ophthalmol 1996; 122: 1-17.

2. Bannerman TL, Rhoden DL, McAllister SK, Miller JM, Wilson LA. The source of coagulase-negative staphylococci in the Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study. A comparison of eyelid and intraocular isolates using pulsed-field electrophoresis. Arch Ophthalmol 1997; 115: 357-61.

3. Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study Group. Results of the Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study. A randomized trial of immediate vitrectomy and of intravenous antibiotics for the treatment of postoperative bacterial endophthalmitis.Arch Ophthalmol 1995; 113: 1479-96.

4. Johnson MW, Doft BH, Kelsey SF, et al. The Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study Group: relationship between clinical presentation and microbiologic spectrum. Ophthalmology 1997; 104: 261-72.

5. Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study Group. Microbiologic factors and visual outcome in the endophthalmitis vitrectomy study. Am J Ophthalmol 1996; 122: 830-46.

6. Doft BH, Kesley SF, Wisniewski S, et al. Treatment of endophthalmitis after cataract extraction. Retina 1994; 14: 297-304.

7. Foster RK. The Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study [editorial]. Arch Ophthalmol 1995; 113: 1555-7.

8. Kim JE, Flynn HW, Rubsamen PE, Murray TG, Davis JL, Smiddy WE. Endophthalmitis in patients with retained lens fragments after phacoemulsification. Ophthalmology 1996; 103: 575-8.

9. Kresloff MS, Castellarin AA, and Zarbin MA. Endophthalmitis. Surv Ophthalmol 1998; 43:193-224.



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